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Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Traditional medicine herbs and Spice garden.8

Fatah tulang
(Eupharbia tirucalli L.)

This herbaceous plant from tropical Africa that enjoy the open and exposed to direct sunlight. Broken bone has a round cylindrical-shaped twig pencils, fine ribbed lengthwise and it's green. The leaves are rare and quickly fall out there on the tip of the young twigs, small, lancet-shaped with a length of 7-25 mm.

The flowers are arranged in the form of compound interest as there are tip of the stem bowl, with a greenish yellow color. The fruits when ripe will burst and throw the seeds. Stalks after growing at about 1 inch of two branches will soon be laid crosswise, and so on so that it looked like a broken branch. This plant can be found from lowland until height of 600 m above sea level.

Besides used as medicinal plants, branches and twigs that had been drained when burned can expel mosquitoes. Sap used to poison fish so easily captured, but dangerous when on the eyes because it can cause blindness.

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